08 February 2009

"Melancholy Suicide"

This blog article centers on an article I found in the "The Canadian Post" published in the town of Lindsay, Ontario (Canada). This newspaper was dated Friday, October 23, 1874, and the article was found on page 2, column 4.

Melancholy Suicide
Mr. Waterman Playter committed suicide on Sunday morning between nine and ten o'clock a. m., by hanging himself in his barn, where he was found by his wife, who was looking for him. He had been in a very low state of mind for a considerable time on account of having sold his farm and then repented of so doing. An inquest was held by Dr. Poole*,and a verdict given in accordance with the facts. The melancholy has cast quite a gloom over the whole neighbourhood, as deceased was highly respected.
* Dr. Poole is likely coroner Dr. Thos. W. Poole.

Waterman Playter was my 2x-great grandfather. He was born on November 16, 1823 in Whitchurch Township, Ontario (Canada), the son of Isaac Playter and Sarah Wilson. He married Sarah Eliza Karr in Whitby, Ontario, on February 9, 1848. They had eleven children. Waterman was almost 51 years old when he died on October 18, 1874, and his youngest child was only 5.

My great-great grandmother, Sarah Eliza (Karr) Playter remarried in 1879. Unfortunately, she seemed to have disappeared off of the public record shortly after that. I have not had any luck in finding any more information about where or when she died, was buried, etc.

And by the way, Cambray is a very small farming community in the rural municipality of Kawartha Lakes just northwest of Lindsay, Ontario (Canada). It is currently listed with a population of 300!


  1. I certainly am enjoying following your blog. It is very interesting and easy to follow.

  2. I live in Cambray and just came across your story here. Very interesting.
