28 February 2009

Mayor of Oakland, California (USA)

On October 6th, 1819, Eli Welding Playter was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Little Eli was the son of Eli Playter and Sophia Beman, and grandson of patriarch Captain George Playter. In 1826 Eli Sr. moved his family to Buffalo area, New York, USA. It was likely the involvement of his father and grandfather in local politics that enamoured the young Eli with that profession for on March 9th, 1885, Eli was elected mayor of the city of Oakland, California, USA, a post he held until March 14th, 1887.

The following biography was included in "History of Alameda County" p492-3.


Among the men of courage, strength and enterprise to whom Oakland owes its prosperity and greatness none filled a more important part in the life of the city than Ely Welding Playter, who was a true type of the California pioneer, and although many years have elapsed since his death, his memory is still fresh in the hearts of those who knew him.

A native of Canada, he was born October 6, 1819, in the city of Toronto and was a son of Ely and Sophia (Beaman) Playter. He traced his lineage in England to the year 1400. In the War of the Roses one of his ancestors fought under the banner of the Yorkists and in recognition of his valor was given the Sotterly estate. Captain George Playter, the grandfather of Ely W. Playter, was a member of the Canadian parliament and a distinguished representative of the family. As a young man he was midshipman on a vessel which touched at American ports. Deciding to establish his home in the new world he retired from the navy and resided in Philadelphia, where he married and lived for some time. Later he moved to Toronto, Canada.

The father of our subject was born in New Jersey, but moved to Toronto, Canada, where Ely W. Playter was born. When the latter was a small boy the family crossed the International Bridge into Niagara county, New York, and it was there that he acquired his early education in the rural schools of that locality. Later he attended Lima Academy and after his graduation taught school for a time. He also assisted his father in the cultivation and improvement of the home farm. In 1852 he began the study of law in Buffalo, New York, but in the same year a friend offered him a ticket to California and he made the trip to the Pacific coast by way of the Isthmus of Panama and had no desire to return to the east. For a time he engaged in mining in the Golden state but abandoned that occupation, which proved detrimental to his health, and in 1860 embarked in business in San Francisco. He was admitted to a partnership in the hardware firm of Conroy & O'Connor, the store being now conducted by Messrs. Dunham, Carrigan & Company. About 1865 Mr. Playter moved his family to Oakland but retained his connection with mercantile affairs of San Francisco and became a prominent figure in the hardware trade of that city. He was also a director of the Oakland Bank of Savings. He was a sagacious, farsighted business man and prosperity attended his efforts.

In 1860 Mr. Playter had married Miss Sarah Matilda Neville, who was a native of Ireland and during her youth resided for some time in the state of New York. They are survived by two children: Miss Charlotte S. Playter, of Piedmont; and Grace, the wife of Murrey L. Johnson, also residents of that city.

A man of broad vision, Mr. Playter had great faith in Oakland's future and aided in the development of the city along many lines. In 1885 he was elected mayor of Oakland and ably filled that office for two terms. He was also a member of the board of public works commission for four years and a member of the board of education from 1871 to 1874. His duties were discharged with the conscientiousness and thoroughness which characterized the transaction of his business affairs and his service was uniformly commended. For some time Mr. Playter was a director on the board of associated charities and also a director of the Young Children’s Christian Association for a number of years. Honor was the keystone of his character, and his death, on January 9, 1893, deprived Oakland of a valuable citizen and an honored pioneer.

This biography is of specific interest as it gives a glimps of his grandfather's origins. This is the first time I have heard that old Captain George was a "midshipman on a vessel", which could be a clue as to where more information about his past can be found.

Eli Welding Playter is burried in Oakland's historic Mountain View Cemetery, along with his wife and two daughters.

History of Almeda County, California
Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, California

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